Jay and Amy Wright

There are many reasons why you might be searching for a therapist. You might find life overwhelming right now and need a place to process through the feelings of chaos. Maybe you are experiencing conflict in a meaningful relationship or in your own marriage. Perhaps you are in a place where you are ready to grow or find deeper connection. Setting aside time during your week to open yourself up to me is something I treat with great respect and confidentiality.

I want to walk alongside you as you step into your journey of healing. I hope to help you uncover things that you have tried to bandage for a really long time or that you didn't even know were there. You will find that I am genuine and warm and will go at your pace as you work towards meeting your goals.

I know that it can be difficult to take the first step to talk with someone, but I hope to provide a non-judgmental space for you to explore as you gain greater insight and lead a more fulfilling life. I would be honored to help you and would be happy to schedule a time with you.

Amy Wright, MA, LPC

My clients tend to be thoughtful, goal-oriented, and serious about life’s big questions. They seek to be more adaptive, unafraid, and want to find freedom in the face of life’s disappointments, griefs, and anxieties. My hope for each client I work with is to become more fully human in the therapy process.

For as long as I can remember, I have been a relational person - eager to meet new people, learn about them, understand them, and relate to them in meaningful ways. I help people by inviting them to explore their inner life of thoughts and emotions, their family of origin, phases of life, and significant relationships that have been formed along the way.

Whatever your story or lived experience, it would be an honor to walk alongside you and move towards healing together. Feel free to reach out and we can explore your story together.

Jay Wright, MA, LPC

I believe strongly in personal autonomy, dignity and worth. You are unique and interesting! I look forward to knowing you and exploring with you all the ways you can identify, grow through and overcome any sticking point in life. Whether it is targeting ineffective behaviors, habits and beliefs, working through a difficult relationship, or dealing with grief, I take very seriously the privilege of walking beside you through the process. 

Charlotte Barto, LMSW